Before a successful marketing strategy is created there must be objectives that are clearly stated. An objective is “a statement of what is to be accomplished through marketing activities.” (MKTG3, McDaniel Lamb Hair, Ch 2, Pg 18) Objectives “should be realistic, measurable, and time specific.” (MKTG3, McDaniel Lamb Hair, Ch 2, Pg 18)
One objective of Hirmoi is to obtain customer satisfaction ratings of at least 90 percent within the first year of sales. It is an ambitious goal but it is not impossible. A way to achieve this goal is to get “information about customers, competitors, and markets; examining the information from total business perspective; determining how to deliver superior customer value” (MTKG3, McDaniel Lamb Hair, Ch. 1, Pg 6) Employees are required to give excellent customer service “by thanking customers for their purchases and telling them they are important, marketers can help cement a long-term, profitable relationship” (MKTG3, McDaniel Lamb Hair, Ch 19, pg 303)
Another objective of Hirmoi is to obtain a celebrity endorsement and contract as spokesperson. “Consumers interact socially with reference groups, opinion leaders, and family members to obtain product information and decision approval,” (MKTG3, McDaniels Lamb Hair, Ch 5, Pg 72) by endorsing a well-known and loved celebrity to be the face of Hiromi will enforce Hirmoi’s social visibility.
One last objective of Hiromi is to spend 10% of sales revenue made within the first year of sales on research and development to launch at least two new products to the Hirmoi family. After a successful launch of Hiromi, we will continue to find new sensual products for our loyal and future customers. By doing this we will “make the long-term commitment needed to support innovation and new product development” (MKTG3, McDaniel Lamb Hair, ch. 10, Pg 146)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
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